The story of a musical and physical transformation of a violinist and two percussionists into technically advanced beings: Cyborgs. Neither the one nor the other, neither technical nor natural, neither individual nor collective, neither male nor female, they discover the unknown, the alien, the strange, the xeno: the threads of the cybernetic interplay between man and machine.
21.09.2019, 19:30 Gare du Nord, Zeiträume Basel - Biennale für Neue Musik und Architektur
26.11.2019, 19:30 Studio Molière, Wien Modern
14.11.2020, 20:00 Fonderie Kugler Genève; CANCELLED Corona19
15.11.2020, 17:00 Fonderie Kugler Genève; CANCELLED Corona19
13.12.2020, 19:00 PROGR Bern; CANCELLED Corona19
14.12.2020, 19:30 PROGR Bern; CANCELLED Corona19
HannaH Walter: violin
Julien Annoni: percussion
João Carlos Pacheco: percussion
Robert Torche: sound design
Johannes Hänggi: architecture
Pablo Weber: light design
Lucie Tuma: choreography
Nicole Seiler: oeil extérieur
Oliver Keller: electronics

A production by Kollektiv Mycelium with the network for the development of cross-format musical theatre forms / Gare du Nord, Wien Modern, ZeitRäume Basel, Münchner Biennale / kindly supported by Pro Helvetia
In co-production with Hackuarium and BAFF! International Basel Puppet Theatre Festival
Supported by
Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art
Migros Kulturprozent
Nicati de Luze
pro scienti et arte
Temperatio Stiftung
Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung
Fonderie Kugler
BEKB Förderfonds
Kultur Stadt Bern
Burgergemeinde Bern
GVB Kulturstiftung